Changing The Record
Changing The Record is a two part podcast series to celebrate 25 years of the Irene Taylor Trust. The Irene Taylor Trust work with some of the most vulnerable and excluded people in society, inspiring them through the power of music, working with people in prison and then supporting them as they transition back into their communities on the outside. In each episode we'll hear from someone whose life has been transformed by their experience of working with the Trust. More information about the Irene Taylor Trust, including independent evaluations of impact, and the original music created on the projects, is on the website www.irenetaylortrust.com Follow on Twitter & Facebook @musicinprisons – on instragram @irenetaylortrustmusic The Irene Taylor Trust is a registered charity in England and Wales, number 1073105 Changing The Record is a Stabl production, produced by Becky Jacobs and Eve Streeter and supported using public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England.