Talking not Ranting
Talking not Ranting
“Talking not Ranting-the Struggle to be a Good Manager” is a management commentary podcast series created and co-hosted by two good friends, Greg Smith and Allister Field, which chronicles their frank and honest conversations around lessons learned during their contrasting management careers through mistakes, learning opportunities and mentors. This podcast series invites the listener to eavesdrop on their discussions and to enter into discussions of their own on how to be a good manager with all the opportunities and challenges that provides through connection, community and safe and brave spaces. Created by: Greg Smith and Allister Field. Produced by: Greg Smith and Allister Field. Hosts: Greg Smith and Allister Field. Writer: Allister Field Audio Editor/ Post prod: Allister Field. Art Work: Allister Field. Intro Music: Coreigh Field. Email us at: