Walking Through The Word - Daily Podcast Commentary

Walking Through The Word - Daily Podcast Commentary

New Song Nashville

Welcome to the Walking Through The Word Podcast with Pastor Dale Evirst. This journey through the scriptures is dedicated to helping you understand God's truth, and how to live out that truth in confident faith and loving obedience. This podcast follows the Walking Through the Word 2-Year Daily Reading and Study Guide found in a resource entitled Daily Life Journal: A Resource for Meeting Daily and Deeply with God (Life Reach Resources). If you don’t yet have a Daily Life Journal, visit lifereachresources.com to get your copy today. We pray this podcast blesses and empowers you as you advance His kingdom. In addition to this podcast, the kids in your life will enjoy the Walking Through The Word Podcast 4 Kids with Pastors Dale Evrist, Joel Evrist and Grant Ebright. Now, get ready for God’s Word to change you! Thank you to our production team who contributes original music, voiceovers, and provides valuable technical assistance in producing and publishing these resources, namely, Greg Hagan, John Hagan, Marcia Ware, Asher Evrist and Joshua Sandefur.
